Here is some photos i found on Daydream Lily, she has really cool blog and i'm in love with it. Enjoy.
{"Little Owl" by }

these Cycle style photo is from her brother's photoshoot and the bike is from HumbleVintage, a vintage bike rental store in Melbourne.

photo. 1. 2.
I read a tweet yesterday that made me smile... it said "Have you noticed how its perfectly acceptable to end messages to social media contacts with kisses? like xx is perfectly normal"

A series of reminders, by photographer recovering lazyholic.
She also has a 12 step program for recovering lazyholics on her blog, I think I need it!

Seriously amazing Polaroid photography by Amalia Sieber aka Amalia Chimera.
photo by clumsy bird
photos by +Maco+

but I wish we were

Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.
It's easy. All you need is love, all you need is love.
{The Beatles}
Photos by Lauren Withrow

Don't look for what we know
The unfamiliar is right below our eyes
{Freedom and Its Owner, Kings of Convenience}
Photos by Olivia Bolles

I think we're superstars, you say you think we are the best thing
But you, you just know, you just do
{VCR, The XX}
Photos by Bruno Dayan
But you, you just know, you just do
{VCR, The XX}
Photos by Bruno Dayan

I read a tweet yesterday that made me smile... it said "Have you noticed how its perfectly acceptable to end messages to social media contacts with kisses? like xx is perfectly normal"

And she's the shake of a tambourine
And she's the colour of a magazine
And she's in fashion
Photos by Eleonore Bridge
And she's the colour of a magazine
And she's in fashion
Photos by Eleonore Bridge
Photography by empreinte

A series of reminders, by photographer recovering lazyholic.
She also has a 12 step program for recovering lazyholics on her blog, I think I need it!

Seriously amazing Polaroid photography by Amalia Sieber aka Amalia Chimera.

but I wish we were
Be great in act
as you have been in thought
~ William Shakespeare
photography by *Zephyrance - dont wake me up

A reader sent me the link to She Hit Pause Studio thinking I might like the Polaroid Transfers. And she was right, they are breathtakingly beautiful.
She Hit Pause Studios, was created by Matt Schwartz, a Brooklyn based photographer. Matt has been photographing his version of the pin-up girl for the past 10 years. His work has been described as "walking into a memory". And I can see why!
If you'd like to get one as a print or just browse all the photos you can here

Blur magazine, in collaboration with the Impossible Project, is running an international contest of analogue instant photography under the name THE BEST POLAROID PHOTO.
The finalists have been selected and its now time to vote for your favourite!!! And a big congrats toSusannah Tucker who got selected as a finalist (hers is the second here - She Wore Butterflies in her Hair).
You can vote for your favourites here.
Also all the finalists are going to be featured in a special addition of BLUR Magazine dedicated to Polaroid photography.

I was so jealous, I nearly ran away
I was so jealous, I really couldn't stay
What was wrong with me? I had some bad disease
Photography: "The Cherry Blossom Girl" by Esther K. & Emily Wren. Lyrics: Lisa Mitchell
pretty images via this lyre lark
as you have been in thought
~ William Shakespeare
photography by *Zephyrance - dont wake me up
Vintage cameras
It's you!When all my dreams come true, the one I want next to me. It's you.

A photo series by 16 year old Natalie Kucken, inspired by this quote from the book, The Lovely Bones.
and my father would take the thin cotton top sheet
and bunch it up in his hands while being careful to
keep the two corners between his thumb and forefinger.
then he would snap it out so the pale sheet would spread
out like a parachute above buckley and gently, what felt
wonderfully slowly, it would waft down and touch along
his exposed skin- his knees, his forearms, his cheeks and
chin. both air and cover somehow there in the same
space at the same time- it felt like the ultimate freedom
and protection.
-the lovely bones
and my father would take the thin cotton top sheet
and bunch it up in his hands while being careful to
keep the two corners between his thumb and forefinger.
then he would snap it out so the pale sheet would spread
out like a parachute above buckley and gently, what felt
wonderfully slowly, it would waft down and touch along
his exposed skin- his knees, his forearms, his cheeks and
chin. both air and cover somehow there in the same
space at the same time- it felt like the ultimate freedom
and protection.
-the lovely bones

She Hit Pause Studios, was created by Matt Schwartz, a Brooklyn based photographer. Matt has been photographing his version of the pin-up girl for the past 10 years. His work has been described as "walking into a memory". And I can see why!
If you'd like to get one as a print or just browse all the photos you can here

Blur magazine, in collaboration with the Impossible Project, is running an international contest of analogue instant photography under the name THE BEST POLAROID PHOTO.
The finalists have been selected and its now time to vote for your favourite!!! And a big congrats toSusannah Tucker who got selected as a finalist (hers is the second here - She Wore Butterflies in her Hair).
You can vote for your favourites here.
Also all the finalists are going to be featured in a special addition of BLUR Magazine dedicated to Polaroid photography.
Photography by Seventeen
Found this also on a Vietnamese girl name Trong Veo ( mean clear as marble). ^^ She sells these cups as well.

I was so jealous, I really couldn't stay
What was wrong with me? I had some bad disease
Photography: "The Cherry Blossom Girl" by Esther K. & Emily Wren. Lyrics: Lisa Mitchell
Photography by Pavel Morozov, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

This makes me laugh, Ive never seen animals photographed the way Corey Arnold captures them. Just look at this Raccoon....
Doesn't it make you laugh? oh I love it !! go view the rest of his photographs online here.

that is it. this girl made my day. ^^ thanks.
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