for our first sneak peek of the day we’re so pleased to take you to hamburg, germany and the home of irina graewe . irina, who started school training to be a tailor, later shifted her focus to interiors and design, and these days she works as a freelance stylist. be sure to check the images after the jump because her workspace – with an incredible collection of all things white – is a must see! and if that’s still not enough, you can find additional images here , and more of her work here . {thanks so much, irina!} - anne [above: I’m a bit of a magazine junkie and just HAVE to keep them all and as there isn't enough space in my workspace, so I keep them in our hallway. We liked the idea of having really cheap and simple lights in the hallway, however wanted to do something with them, so we had the idea to spray paint some of the paper balloons black and penciling black lines on the other ones (paper light shades from ikea and habitat)]. Sofa ...
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